This is quite surprising that even today there are many businesses which do not have a website or even if they have, they are so poorly designed and developed that they are of no use for the business. More or less everyone understands the importance of marketing the business and if you don’t have a website they you are missing out on a powerful marketing tool.

With easily availability of internet and smartphones most users research about the product or company before purchasing or hiring any service provider and not having a website keeps businesses away from this large pool of potential clients/customers. These days a website is also crucial in establishing the credibility the business.

The reasons why a business must have a website are numerous. We have listed some of the main reasons:

  1. ONLINE PRESENCE– As we live in a digital age today, first and foremost, you should know that your website is your number one marketing asset. Now consumers expect companies to have an online presence (including a website) and considers one as less professional if it DOESN’T have a website.
  2. PEOPLE ARE SEARCHING FOR YOU As mentioned earlier, we are living in a digital world where mostly everyone has a smartphone and internet. The first one does when they want to know about something new is to look on internet, which makes having an online presence very important. For the matter of fact, there are 5 billion searches on Google per day, and at this very moment, there is someone in your area online and searching for your exact service. Guess who’s getting their business? May be Not you

According to research, 63 percent of consumers primarily use a company’s website to find and engage with businesses. On average, consumers use approximately three sources before making an individual purchase decision.

  1. CONSUMERS ADMIT TO MAKING JUDGMENTS ON A COMPANY’S CREDIBILITY BASED ON THE COMPANY’S WEBSITE DESIGN-Your Business needs a website because 75% of people have judged a company’s credibility, based website on its design. Not having a website makes consumers trust you less. Consumers are more likely to do business with a company they trust, and a website is a credible source to check for credentials, reviews, and awards.

And remember, if you have a bad website design, it won’t help you at all.


Having a user-friendly website is crucial, especially for B2B companies. People visit your website when they want to know something or do something. They also expect immediate gratification, which means visitors should be able to answer three questions within three seconds of landing on your website:

Who are you?

What do you do/offer?

How do I contact you?

Consumers seek immediate answers, so the website should answer each of the questions above without a need to scroll down the page at all.



If you believe you don’t need a website because you’re on Facebook or any other social media platform, then you need to think twice. Because every other business is also there. You need a website even if you have a Facebook page or any other social media page.

With each passing day, it’s getting harder for businesses to connect with users on these platforms.  While social media can help your business grow, don’t bank on using it as your sole marketing channel, especially in the future.